Best YouTube Video Length for Monetization

Your videos are one of the most important parts of your YouTube channel. They can help you grow your audience and make more money from ads, but if they’re not optimized well enough then they could spell disaster for your channel. So what makes a good video length?

The length of your video is the most important factor for monetization

The length of your video is the most important factor for monetization. It’s also one of the most important factors for viewers, advertisers, and creators.

If you want to become a YouTube star, don’t make videos shorter than two minutes long. Instead, try making longer videos that are more engaging and complex!

You can’t just get it done and publish it

You need to make sure your video is of high quality because YouTube will not feature your video if you don’t have enough views or subscribers. And even if you do have enough views, YouTube may still deem your video as “not suitable” for monetization if they believe that it doesn’t meet their criteria of being interesting or valuable enough to viewers who watch more than once per month on average (this is known as “viewability”).

And then there’s the length: how long should my YouTube video be? To answer this question requires an understanding of how many seconds are needed for someone watching from home at their computer screen to see something happening on screen that would prompt them either A) click play again which will bring up another fullscreen view where all I want them to do is watch me talk about myself talking about some stuff…so basically nothing important has happened yet…but wait! There’s one thing left before we can move on: YOUTUBE MONETIZATION!!!

The ideal length for a video 

The ideal length for a video is between 3-8 minutes. It takes about 2 hours to watch 2 full movies at home, six standard TV commercials, or two episodes of your favorite TV show on Netflix.

This is because YouTube viewers have short attention spans and will quickly get bored if you don’t keep them engaged throughout the entire video. The average person watches less than 10% of any given video before abandoning it, which means that you need to make sure that people stick around long enough so they can see all your content (and then go on to another one).

More than 2 hours are taken as long videos

More than 2 hours is taken as long as it takes to watch two full movies at home, six standard TV commercials, or two episodes of your favorite TV show on Netflix.

That’s not all though! YouTube also says that if you’re watching a video in one sitting, you can count up to 3 hours as long as it takes for you to finish the whole thing. If someone else watches your video with them and they both like what they see (which isn’t always possible), then that means even longer!

Do not exceed the limit in total length 

The maximum length of a video on YouTube is 4 hours and 30 minutes. If you exceed this length, YouTube will not allow your video to monetize or be eligible for YouTube Rewind.

If you’re wondering how much time is too much time when it comes to creating a good-quality video—and what kind of content works best on YouTube—we’ve got some answers!

A great video will help you get more viewers, and thus make more money from YouTube ads

One of the best ways to get your message out there is by creating a great video. A well-made and engaging video can help you build an audience, which leads to more views, comments, and subscribers. When people watch your videos on YouTube, they’re also more likely to click through from their feed or search results if you’re advertising there (and even if they don’t see any ads). This means that YouTube ads can be both a good way to make money and build brand awareness at the same time—which is why many companies choose them over other types of marketing strategies like email campaigns or social media posts!

Optimizing your videos will help you grow your channel on YouTube

While the ideal length for your video is between 3-8 minutes (check here), more than 2 hours is taken as long as it takes to watch two full movies at home, six standard TV commercials, or two episodes of your favorite TV show on Netflix.

In summary, you should aim for between 3-8 minutes. If your goal is to get more views and subscribers on YouTube, then it’s best to go with shorter videos. However, if you want to make money from ads as well, then a longer video length will help you do that better than shorter ones because they can be monetized better by advertisers. The best way to know what works best for your channel is by testing different lengths and seeing what works best for each type of content so don’t worry too much about those numbers right now – just put some thought into how long each video should last before publishing them!

Read Also: YT1s Video Downloader: A Convenient Tool for Downloading YouTube Videos